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Sucuri - Complete Website Security, Protection & Monitoring

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Sucuri - Complete Website Security, Protection & Monitoring

Trusted by Web Pros & Enterprise
Do you require a custom solution or need to protect multiple sites? We offer flexible plans to meet your requirements.

To be the one constant in an evolving website security landscape.

To build the most effective and affordable cloud-based technology and services for website security and performance, while producing the most concise educational website security resources.

“Sucuri” is the Brazilian Portuguese word for “anaconda” – with a reputation for being big and dangerous, it dominates its habitat. “Sucuri” was also the name given to a Brazilian tank destroyer in the 1980s , the EE-18 Sucuri.

Daniel’s family includes a long line of Brazilian military personnel. His father is still an active Four-Star General in the Brazilian Army, specializing in tank and artillery warfare.

In early 2008, Daniel was having an evening alone with his grandfather, sharing his thoughts on the technology he was building and his uncertainty about what to name it.

After hearing Daniel’s technological dream, his grandfather could see no more fitting name than Sucuri. He went on to explain the deeply rooted history of the tank destroyer and how the Brazilian Army depended on its superiority. This name is a tribute to that history and reminds us of where and how this company was built.

Ten years later, Sucuri is known globally as one of the leading website security companies in the world.

Sucuri, like the Amazonian anaconda and the tank destroyer, is capable of combating formidable opponents to achieve complete dominance in our field.

If you have ever met our team, there is one undeniable fact – we love this company and the important work we do. This love and dedication is a requirement for the entire company.

When a website is hacked or under attack, a website owner is at their most vulnerable state. We will be the calm in the virtual storm, standing by to restore peace of mind.

Our brand is defined by our customer and employee satisfaction. We will create effective products and content that serve a valuable purpose and offer the best user experience.

The security space is filled with snake-oil and unnecessary FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt). We are committed to building services in the best interest of website owners.

We were losing a lot of valuable time cleaning sites ourselves. We were looking for a partner to outsource the cleaning up of malware to. Three things were important to us: The cleanups should be thorough and fast, the process to request a cleanup should be easy, and the costs should be reasonable for us and our clients.

When you have so many clients and websites, we can’t look at everything all the time. We need someone proactively checking on our behalf. Sucuri knows about security issues before they become a problem.

We use Sucuri’s Website Application Firewall which is awesome. For a while, use to get hacked every month. Of course we were a high profile target so people were targeting us. We knew we had to do something different.

I asked around, and someone said I should contact Sucuri. That’s exactly what I did, after I tried for hours to research the problem. I contacted Sucuri and they fixed it in a couple hours. Boom. It was done.

Sucuri saved our skin! Immediately when the firewall was activated, the threats stopped. The site was now protected which saved us a major headache over the weekend.

I trust that Sucuri has the experts. They have even helped with situations that turned out not to be malware. The customer service is beyond what it needs to be, and that’s rare.

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